
aiskada majmueat 'azya' ealamiat fakhirat, ta'asasat fi 'almania min qibal marghrita walafghangh li fi miunikh eam 1978, wakan aikhtiar alaism aiskada aldhy yaeni "alsalim, aldaraj walsueud" biallaghlat alburtughaliat.
haqaqat alsharikat 'iism wamakanat ealamiiyn khasin biha eabr majmueat 'azyayiha almumayazat bijimal 'alwanuha wazakharifiha, dakhalat aiskada ealam aleutur fi aleam 1990, eindama 'atlaqat 'awal euturiha bi'iism (askada marghrita li) wahu 'iism ahd musisiha, tbe najah aleutar al'awal 'iintaj silsilat min aleuturat mithl (asikada burhumiin lilrajala) wa('uwshn balw lilnisa'a) waghiruha.
taqadam aiskada euturuha bitariqat mumayazat shababiat waeasriatin, tati eutur aiskada fi zujajat mulawanat wadhat 'ashkal ghyr taqlidiatin, wahi tuntij bialtaeawun mae biruktr 'and ghamibl.
tamtalik aiskada alyawm majmueatan min 58 eutra, tama 'iintaj 'aqdamuha fi aleam 1990 wa'ahdathuha fi aleam 2016.

Escada is a world-class luxury group, founded in Germany by Margherita Wolfgang Lee in Munich in 1978, and was chosen by the Escada name which means "stairs, staircase and ascension" in Portuguese.
Escada entered the world of perfumes in 1990, when it launched its first perfume, Esca Margarita Lee, the name of one of its founders. The success of the first fragrance followed the production of a series of perfumes such as Escada Porhomi For men), Ocean Blue for women and others.
Esca offers its fragrance in a youthful and modern fashion. Scada perfumes come in colorful and unconventional bottles, produced in collaboration with Procter & Gamble.
Escada today has a collection of 58 fragrances, the oldest being produced in 1990 and the latest in 2016.